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TOPAbout HardoLass

“HardoLass” Series
Scratch, Fouling, and Rust Protection Nanomaterial Coating

An ultra-thin glass layer that protects against scratches and fouling while adding value to coated surfaces.

About HardoLass

The nanomaterial coating “HardoLass” is an excellent coating agent that forms an inorganic glass film with superior stain resistance and durability. Thanks to its innovative liquid design, it achieves the ideals of “not changing the weight,” “altering the surface structure,” and “not changing the appearance” of the coated object.

Does Not Change Weight

Power generation blades rotate at speeds over 300 km/h, making their management extremely important. These blades are subject to strict regulations, and weight changes are not permissible. The nanomaterial coating HardoLass can be expected to prevent the adhesion of dirt and frosting without changing the weight.

Modifies Surface Structure

When objects move, air resistance becomes a factor; the more resistance they face, the worse the fuel efficiency. The nanomaterial coating HardoLass can be expected to reduce aerodynamic drag, improve fuel efficiency, and suppress carbon dioxide emissions.

Adds Functionality Without Changing Appearance

Graffiti on public property and public transportation remains a serious issue today. The nanomaterial coating HardoLass can be expected to prevent the adhesion of graffiti and other coatings, making them easier to remove. Additionally, it adds functionality without changing the appearance of the coated object.

Nanomaterial Coating: “HardoLass” Lineup

Scratch Prevention

Areas where fine scratches need to be prevented while maintaining aesthetics
(e.g., vehicle exteriors, industrial equipment, bus and train floors)

Fouling Prevention

Areas where maintaining visibility while preventing stains is essential
(e.g., smartphones, glass, accessories, signage)

Graffiti Prevention

Areas where graffiti and oil stains need to be prevented
(e.g., walls, train bodies, commercial kitchens)

Rust and Corrosion Prevention

Areas prone to rust in outdoor environments.
(e.g., towers, factories, power plants)


HardoLass for Bicycle

Protects your bike from scratches and dirt and allows cleaning mud with just water, reducing maintenance and cleaning frequency.

HardoLass for Golf

Protect your beloved golf equipment from scratches and dirt. There are also cases where human data has shown an increase in driving distance.

HardoLass for Shoes

With its water-repellent function, it repels rain and water, preventing the adhesion of mud and oil stains.

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