Copyright © HARDOLASS HOLDINGS CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

Message from President

TOPMessage from President

Striving to be your
“First Call Company” – Your Preferred Partner at All Times

We extend our deepest gratitude to all our valued customers and distributors for their unwavering commitment to HardoLass and our suite of products.

HardoLass, a burgeoning start-up, challenges the status quo with our motto: “Rewriting Common Sense”. Our mission is to turn the seemingly impossible into attainable possibilities through our innovative solutions. We strive to deliver superior value to our clients through HardoLass’ revolutionary technology.

In just one year of operation, over 130 leading Japanese companies have adopted HardoLass, setting a remarkable pace for start-up growth and rewriting traditional industry common sense.

HardoLass is a company that embodies a culture of gratitude. We are dedicated to earning our customers’ trust and appreciation, striving to be their first choice and the company they turn to in their hour of need.

While our research may sometimes be time-intensive, we firmly believe that with resilience and persistence, we will elicit a heartfelt ‘thank you’ from our customers – the essence of our corporate philosophy.

Our philosophy at HardoLass is grounded in the freedom of thought and action. We are committed to maintaining a dynamic and flexible team that champions diverse ideas, swift product planning, and decisive action.
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SDGs and HardoLass

We operate with a focus on enhancing sustainable corporate value, nurturing global human talent, and addressing societal challenges. Our business ethos at HardoLass is founded on patience and collaboration; even if our progress requires time, we are dedicated to enriching society by sharing in our customers’ smiles and joys.